Cables ready.
Flags DLC ready.
Cabin DLC & SiSL megapack compatibility.
Needs SiSL megapack to all cabin accessories work correctly.
Adapted to 1.32.xx ETS2 game version.
Lights on the screenshot by 50K
Removed the previous chassis.
why?, simple reason here a example: you have in one side 1 chassis with more than 100k of vertex and with some bugs
and in the other side 3 chassis with a total of 30k vertex for the game load that is a huge difference so i prefer performance and quality before that cute things.
(sorry if anyone don’t like that).
Added 6 Chassis Variants.
Fixed all interior visible polygons and broken things.
Fixed the max possible of bumper,grill,cabsides,fender and cabin visible polygons.
Fixed steering W.
Fixed rain on interior.
Fixed side mirror on interior.
Removed 500MB of “residuals” files.
updated all model parts .PMG files.
resized some textures for better performance.
added some upgrades.
added new spoiler.
added front mirror on interior.
removed some useless/unused/ very outdates upgrades.