MAN TG3 2020 SCT Desing Truck 1.53
-HQ Exterior Model (Reworked)
-HQ İnterior Model (Reworked)
-HQ Template
-A Real Combined Interior Design from the Buffle Company.
-An Extra 3D Optimized Truck Model with an Increased Level of Detail.
-Ultra-Realistic, Optimized Lighting, Coatings and Parts.
-The Outer Skin That Best
-The Most Realistic Leather,Plastic,Fabric,Alcantara Textures.
-An Extra Carefully Manufactured BABY-SHARK Horn. (High Sound Quality)
-Optimized Realistic Sports Tire and Narrow Steel-Made Rim.
-Custom Adjustable Dutch Style Signage With And Without Lights.
-A One-on-One Modeled Skirt with a Real Fender and a Special Hydraulic Pump.
-It Has A Soft,Saturated,Roaring Sound.
-Optimized FLARE Light system.
-High Quality Neon`s
-5x Cabin Light
Game Version: (1.51-1.52-1.53)