Added many new skins.
What is new?
17 new skins for XBS Truck and Trailer (Replacement)
15 new for Kast Kraker trailers, incl dolly (Standalone, and the ´normal´ Kraker is now in traffic to see) Delete my first version, you don´t need anymore.
13 skins for Kast Kraker & NTM Box addon for the RJL Scania. (Standalone) Delete my first version, you don´t need anymore.
6 skins for Loader Saints VAK V Slider – Limetec. (Replacement)
21 skins for Capital Nordic Krone. (Standalone)
And many new Truck skins for MAN TGX, DAF 105 and RJL Scania. (Standalone) Delete my first version, you don´t need anymore.
Like before, my focus is to combinate the skins with other trucks and trailer.
Off course you don´t must play everthing like i show here, just take what you like.
If you do like me, then you will have many possible combinations.
A short information for the loading order, i made a picture which you will find into the mod folder.
Also to watch my video will help.
Have fun.