Mod contains truck tables for DAF XF 105, DAF XF Euro6, Iveco Hiway, Iveco Stralis, MAN TGX, MAN TGX Euro6, Renault Magnum, Renault Premium, Scania R & Streamline, Scania S & R, Scania 4 series, Volvo FH 2012, Volvo FH 2009, Mercedes Actros MP3, Mercedes Actros MP4
Changelog v6.0:
– tables for SCS MAN TGX Euro6
– modified tables to MAN TGX and Madster’s TGX Euro 6
Mod also support Scania RJL, MAN by Madster and Volvo FH 2012 by Ohaha.
Required Cabin Accessories DLC
Available table configurations in actual mod version:
Daf XF 105: short and long table
Daf XF Euro6: short and long table eu and uk versions
Iveco Stralis Hiway: short table
Man TGX: short and long table
Man TGX Euro6: short and long table
Renault Magnum: short and long table
Renault Premium: short and long table eu and uk versions
Scania R & Streamline: short, long and high (with drawer) table
Scania S & R (2016): short table, long table (short with passenger table) eu and uk versions
Scania 4 by RJL: short table eu and uk versions
Volvo FH 2012: long/high (with drawer) table
Volvo FH 2009: short and long table
Iveco Stralis: short and long table
Mercedes Actros MP3: short and long table
Mercedes Actros MP4: short and long table