This mod adds to the game Autonomous truck KAMAZ 5410 which is registered in the Renault saloon (completely separate slot)
4 cabins
3 the chassis (1 of them bdf)
16 engines (10 YaMZ 2 TMZ, 4 Kamaz)
13 CAT
His salon
its sounds
Its wheels (many thanks _69_mf_)
Small Engine
Supports DLC Cabin Accessories and DLC National Window Flags
Added advanced hitch
Register in orders
My changes:
Fixed bugs found, such as sleep and a fine at the traffic lights, as well as added to orders from the truck chassis 4×2 v.t.ch in Britain
Log clean! version 1.26
Also in the archive I attach tandem trailers that were originally with the KamAZ, but which are all forgotten! Suitable for all KamAZ, which I adapted – KamAZ 54-64-65, KamAZ 65115-65116