Use a simple mod for spawning diversity (by the hour of the day and by the type of the road) with a little boost on allowed number of spawned cars.
I divided the day in parts with different car density. Rush Hour between 7-9 and 16-18, normal density the rest of the day, reduced traffic between 22-0 and night traffic with bigger density for trucks. I increased the number of alowed car to be spawned.
Use other file-stuffed mod and in the end your game or other mods will crash. You dont need that!
First 2 pictures are from EXTREME EDITION.
WARNING!! The road will became a very crowded place!
The STANDARD EDITION it’s way better than vanilla but you still have room to breathe.
If you play with uset g_traffic “x” trick, you will have exactly the density you wanted.
Both packages are in archive.