Promods 2.68 & West Balkans DLC Merge Quality Editon v1.0 1.49
Quality Edition of ProMods & West Balkans DLC Merge featuers:
– almost complete rework of the previous quantity versions
– added new ferry connections
– more stable than any of the previous quantity versions
– very few to no visual bugs compared to quantity edition
– expanded standard West Balkans DLC, with many more cities visible on the map
– notification when entering another country, like in the rest of ProMods
– fixed license plates in all Balkan countries and added city codes for most of Balkan cities
– corrected city names size and position on the map for all ProMods cities
– roads that lead to nowhere are now all hidden from the map
Threat this mod like any other Promods map addon, only thing it needs is to be loaded above Promods!