Mercedes W223 MEGA MOD 1.48
New Uptade
Hologram screen
My vehicle has been made with a long time and effort. It is a separate and different mode from the Mercedes mode that was shared before.
Those in the vehicle
-4 different color interior options
-4 different color and AMG steering wheel options
-Realistic leather textures and bumpmap
-AMG sound
Original engine and transmission options
-Openable glass roof feature
-4 different window opening animations
-6 different multimedia and apple selection screens (You can change it with the entertainment and information toggle button)
-8 rim options Brabus Mansory Amg rim options
-2 different tire options
-Brabus and Mansory body kit option
-Spoiler and logo options
-Police strobe and mercedes guard option
-3 different interior lighting ambience options
-Gear-dependent backup camera animation