Mercedes-Benz New Travego 16 SHD 1.49

Mercedes-Benz New Travego 16 SHD 1.49
Updated to 1.49
Compatible with Euro Truck Simulator 2 (1.49) version.
-High model quality and textures
-Realistic interior
-Realistic engine and transmission values
-Realistic engine Sound
-Realistic retarder sound
-The 7th camera and more, which is not included in the game engine and is the first in the world!
Credits: Project Owner: Heavy Vehicles Turkey / HVT Model: Yağız Bakırcı Edit, Convert: Harun Aras (KskLi1453) Other 3D Models: İsmail Arslan Textures: Emin Doğuş Güraksın – Berk Gömleksiz Dashboard: Trzpro Skin, Logo: Emin Doğuş Güraksın – Furkan Kısacık – Berkant Terzi
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