About the mod:
This mod adds all ATS volvo vnl features to ETS2 1.32.x
high quality exterior and interior model made by SCS.
truck included on truck company (quick jobs).
truck included on traffic.
truck included on initial save(profile favorite truck).
fully standalone
you can found this truck on all EU volvo dealer.
First Release based on last ATS update including fixes for this truck.
added fully DLC toys and SISL’s mega pack compatibilty.
fixed driver plate and co driver plate position.
reworked trlr_cables for correct work on ETS2.
added left hood and right hood mirrors compatibilty to ETS2.
Note: due to the shorts chassis variants coming on this truck by default,some trailers (like krone profiliner) can make visual collision so you need to chose the correct trailers to handle with this for now, (maybe on the future i change the 5thWheel position to fix this but for now i don’t have too mutch free time so i only port the default chassis/truck made by SCS).
How To Install?:
extract the downloaded rar file and put these files named “volvoVNL_ATS_to_ETS2.scs and Volvo_VNL_Compatibility_Patch.scs” on your mod folder, (put the SiSLs_Mega_Pack_Volvo_VNL_Patch.scs only if you have the SISL’s mega pack installed).
IMPORTANT: for the correct work of the left and right hood mirrors on this truck in ETS2, i made some changes to the the game_data.sii and mirrors_data.sii, for that reason the file named (Volvo_VNL_Compatibility_Patch.scs) need to go first of ALL your mods on the mod manager otherwise another mod can overiwrite my changes and if that happen this will make your game close to desktop.
ATS Model made and developed by SCS software.
Port to ETS2 by ValheinXL.