Mod will rebuild some main roads in Poland (and Slovakia)
Actual mod version – 1.2.0 “Silesia!”
Mod is for version of ETS2 – 1.27 and should work on 1.28 too!
New changes in Poland:
-big Silesia rebuild (Katowice Urban Area)
-realistic interchange Gliwice-Sośnica (A1/A4/44) – the biggest interchange in Europe (not full)
-part of highways A1 and A4
-part of motorway S1 (one of the oldest expressways in Poland)
-part of national roads 1, 79, 86 and 44
-city of Gliwice (2 companies)
-new loading screens
New changes in Slovakia:
-rebuilded D1/D3 interchange area
Other changes:
New loading screens (Great Poland)
Added numbers of main roads (1-12) and signs of voivodeships (provinces) of Poland
Rebuilded highways: A1, A2, A4, A6, A8
Rebuilded motorways: S1, S3, S6, S7, S8, S11, S14, S17, S19, S51, S52, EOW
Rebuilded some parts of cities e.g. Gdańsk or Łódź
Added cities: Rzeszów, Gliwice
The newest sign font
Rebuilded highways: D1, D2, D3
It won’t work with ProMods
It works with DLC France but you don’t need it
DLC needed: Scandinavia, East
Hello, after unzip, il can not find .scs files to add in my documents/ets2/mod folder ? How input this map in te game please ? Tank you with anticipation. Best regards. Philippe